Selasa, 19 Juni 2007

Distribusi momen reduksi inersia penampang

Pada kenyataannya saat terjadi gempa kuat, elemen balok dan kolom pada rangka portal beton bertulang akan mengalami retak sehingga inersia penampang tersebut akan tereduksi/lebih kecil daripada penampang utuh. Besarnya faktor reduksi inersi penampang retak tersebut berkisar 0,4 ~ 0,8 setiap peraturan perencanaan menentukan besaran yang berbeda-beda.


Download Files selengkapnya dapat dilihat/download di dokumen berikut: momen-reduksi-inersia.pdf

    Rabu, 06 Juni 2007

    OSS ? (denkfout)

    Open source software is computer software whose source code is available under a license (or arrangement such as the public domain) that permits users to use, change, and improve the software, and to redistribute it in modified or unmodified form. It is often developed in a public, collaborative manner. (source)

    "...Then there's 9892454959483. This one is the source code for Microsoft Word. In addition to being "copyrighted," this one is a trade secret. That means if you take this number from Microsoft and give it to anyone else you can be punished. ..." (source)

    denkfout (de)n. logical error, error which causes a program to operate incorrectly instead of how it was intended to operate (Computers); fallacy, misconception, mistake (source)











    oo, i get confused now. please somebody tell me why, so i can see this world clearly.

    Selasa, 05 Juni 2007

    Pondasi diatas Medium Elastis (pengaruh kekakuan)

    Dalam tulisan ini hanya ditujukan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh nilai Ks terhadap distribusi tegangan dalam (Mmaks, Vmaks) pada pelat pondasi. Tinjauan pertama pada batasan (range) kekakuan tanah lempung tersebut dengan penambahan 4000 kPa/m sehingga akan menjadikan 11 model/tinjauan dalam analisa struktur. Sedangkan tinjauan kedua pada batasan (range) kekakuan pelat pondasi yaitu tebal t = 300, 400, 600, 800, 1000 mm menjadikan 5 model tinjauan.


    Download Files  selengkapnya dapat dilihat/download di dokumen berikut: pondasi-diatas-medium-elastis.pdf

    Kamis, 31 Mei 2007

    Momen Sekunder Kolom Bergoyang (sway)

    Pada kenyataannya elemen kolom yang mengalami gaya lateral (gempa,angin) akan mengalami pembesaran momen akibat defleksi lateral. Besarnya momen tambahan merupakan funsi dari beban gravitasi (P) dan defleksi lateral (delta), perilaku struktural tersebut biasa disebut dengan P-delta efek yang merupakan pengaruh global portal kolom. Besarnya defleksi lateral dilakukan secara bertahap dan berulang/iterasi.


    Download Files  selengkapnya dapat dilihat/download di dokumen (pdf) berikut : momen-sekunder-kolom-tunggal.pdf

    Kamis, 24 Mei 2007

    history of a boring town (maybe)

    Cirebon (burning) City

    cofee break+reading[at]bookstore

    kampung-ku (kel. harjamukti)

    salam kangge Ibu, ntos sare nya wengi eiu.

    Dear brothers [go 'n jo] :) did you knows where's home?

    satellite photos are taken from GoogleMaps, 2007

    thanks, rasanya seperti terbang kemarin (Sumatera-Jawa)

    Rabu, 23 Mei 2007

    the influence voices (1999-unknown)

            Metamorphosis - Ray Cappo,1995

    Born selfish and ignorant
    And my school gave me knowledge
    But never any wisdom
    And in addition the television programmed my brain
    Through it's constant repetition
    Misdirected infected with mundane roles and goals and heroes
    And althought life really has purpose
    I wasted my youth in a social circus
    Told what is best for me
    But I've seen their destiny
    Our leaders ignominy
    Reconfirm my concern to rearrange and change my life
    I'll vowI'll vow right here
    And now no more time wasting just edification purification
    We can direct our future
    This life, this life has no meaning
    Unless we grow
    I know there's no use for all this screaming
    Unless we grow

    Born foolish dull and shelf absorbed
    But my life's dedicated to reformation and education

    In a nation that thinks great pleasure is a Disney vacation
    I never fit in to their system
    I couldn't understand people
    Wasting their time with so called love
    And drugs and occupations
    While outside the window is a crumbling nation
    So I searched for sincerity and lost popularity
    Well what do they want from me?
    If I lost friends they never were my friends at all!
    To find the real me through introspection
    And austerity is my life's mission my ambition
    I've got a vision to change my destiny
    Things don't change - we must change

    Selasa, 22 Mei 2007