Kamis, 15 November 2007

the influence movies

The Punisher is a fictional vigilante and anti-hero in the Marvel Comics Universe. Created by writer Gerry Conway and artists John Romita, Sr. and Ross Andru, he first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #129 (Feb. 1974).

The Punisher is a vigilante who considers murder, kidnapping, extortion, coercion, threats of violence and torture to be acceptable crime fighting tactics. Driven by the deaths of his wife and children, who were killed by the mob when they witnessed a gangland execution in New York City's Central Park, Frank Castle wages a one-man war on the mob and all criminals in general by using all manner of weaponry. A war veteran, Castle is a master of spatial planning, martial arts, stealth tactics, hand to hand combat, and a wide variety of weapons.

taken from wikipedia


Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2007

"Cold Poetry" in a programming languages


We create different kinds of fonts with the wx.Font object. It has the following constructor:

wx.Font(integer pointSize, wx.FontFamily family, integer style, integer weight,         bool underline = false, string faceName = '',         wx.FontEncoding encoding = wx.FONTENCODING_DEFAULT) 

The specified parameters can have the following options:


  • wx.DEFAULT


  • wx.ROMAN

  • wx.SWISS

  • wx.SCRIPT

  • wx.MODERN


  • wx.NORMAL

  • wx.SLANT

  • wx.ITALIC


  • wx.NORMAL

  • wx.LIGHT

  • wx.BOLD

fonts.py script shows three different fonts.

document.write('Toggle line numbers');Toggle line numbers

   1 #!/usr/bin/python    2     3 # fonts.py    4     5 import wx    6     7 class MyFrame(wx.Frame):    8     def __init__(self, parent, id, title):    9         wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(325, 320))   10    11         panel = wx.Panel(self, -1)   12    13         text1 = "Now listen to me mama\nMama mama\nYou're taking away my last chance\nDon't take it away"   14    15         text2 = '''You won't cry for my absence, I know -   16 You forgot me long ago.   17 Am I that unimportant...?   18 Am I so insignificant...?   19 Isn't something missing?   20 Isn't someone missing me?'''   21    22         text3 = '''But if I had one wish fulfilled tonight   23 I'd ask for the sun to never rise   24 If God passed a mic to me to speak   25 I'd say stay in bed, world   26 Sleep in peace'''   27    28         font1 = wx.Font(10, wx.NORMAL, wx.ITALIC, wx.NORMAL)   29         font2 = wx.Font(10, wx.ROMAN, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL)   30         font3 = wx.Font(10, wx.MODERN, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)   31         lyrics1 = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, text1,(30,15), style=wx.ALIGN_CENTRE)   32         lyrics1.SetFont(font1)   33         lyrics2 = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, text2,(30,100), style=wx.ALIGN_CENTRE)   34         lyrics2.SetFont(font2)   35         lyrics3 = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, text3,(5,220), style=wx.ALIGN_CENTRE)   36         lyrics3.SetFont(font3)   37         self.Center()   38    39 class MyApp(wx.App):   40     def OnInit(self):   41         frame = MyFrame(None, -1, 'fonts.py')   42         frame.Show(True)   43         self.SetTopWindow(frame)   44         return True   45    46 app = MyApp(0)   47 app.MainLoop()


SOURCE : AnotherTutorial (last edited 2007-07-09 22:59:01 by JoshEnglish)


Kamis, 11 Oktober 2007

Lembar Perhitungan Otomatis menggunakan OpenOffice.org WRITER

Pembuatan laporan lembar kerja untuk permasalahan sederhana dapat dilakukan langsung dengan OOo Writer, kelebihan yang didapat adalah kemampuan formating pada OOo Writer yang lebih baik terutama pada tampilan rumus (formula) dan gambar (pictures). Konsep yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan banyak tabel (1 baris dengan 3 kolom) kemudian tabel referensi tersebut dihubungkan (linked) sebagai nilai masukan dalam suatu rumus perhitungan.


selengkapnya dapat dilihat/download: ooorg-writer-lembar-kerja-otomatis.pdf

berikut contoh aplikasi untuk perhitungan karakteristik penampang (section properties)  lihat/download: contoh-lmbrkrj-dgn-ooo-writer.pdf

Tampilan snapshot pada OpenOffice.org WRITER


Sabtu, 01 September 2007

break untuk bbrp waktu

sudah bebrpa bulan ini saya brda di Jakarta, bekerja nanganin banyak desain steel&conc structures. masih pgn sih nulis tapi comptr masih di Jawa (Jokja), ada bbrpa tulisan pemikiran ttg dasain yg pgn di posting disini. kalo valid ngga nya sih ya tergantung dari mana patokan ketelitiannya, banyak judgment nya sih. cuman untuk struktur yg sedang dgn jumlah ngga banyak, sya biasa beri SF lebih (konservatif). Lagian makna SF itu susah dimengerti, jangankan saya. institusi baja amrik AISC aja jelas2 menekankan codes nya itu cuman diyakini mrka aman, verifikasi dan tanggung jawab ya tetep pd desainer ?? kenyataanya bulan lalu disitu ada jembatan yg ambruk (who's to blame? it's a problem or solution), dgr2 sih dari sambungan gusset plate salah pd pelaksanaan konstruksi atau salah desain ya, ngga tau deh. ni juga lagi cari2 report SEnya. sya pikir kalo comment sesudah kejadian itu jauh lebih mudah ketimbang melakukan judgment pda saat desain/pelaksanaan.

Senin, 25 Juni 2007

Pondasi tump. pegas hanya tekan

Pondasi seperti gambar, akan terjadi tegangan tarik pada tanah jika momen yang bekerja cukup besar. Hal ini dikarenakan eksentrisitas yang terjadi diluar bidang kern (1/6 B) dari titik tumpuan kolom. Tanah tidak mampu menerima tegangan tarik.

Karena pada umumnya program analisa struktur adalah linear maka keadaan tersebut tidak dapat dianalisa secara langsung. Perlu tahapan / iterasi, dengan dilakukan  peninjauan hasil analisa pada bagian titik mana kekakuan pegas mengalami tarik. Kemudian titik pegas yang mengalami tarik tersebut dijadikan kekakuannya samadengan nol (dihilangkan)..


Download Files  selanjutnya dapat dilihat/download di dokumen berikut: pondasi-tump-pegas-hanya-tekan.pdf

Sabtu, 23 Juni 2007

RC slabs to beams transfer load

Because of node limitation in SAP2000 Student version (100 nodes max) only small/ moderate numbers of meshing shell elements in my SAP models, it's about 80 nodes. For calculation beams bending moment hope it would be satisfied :(    ??


Cases :

  1. Modelling structures with frame element to represent beam and column. Loads applied to beam in -z direction, distributed as trapezoidal and triangular.

  2. Modelling structures with frame element to represent beam and column, shell element for slabs to study force distribution on beam members. Here's eccentricity being ignore to simplify.

  3. Modelling structures with frame element to represent beam and column, shell element for slabs. Here's eccentricity being considered to study force distribution on beam members. How these take effect on beams internal force. Adjacent node shell to beams are connected with rigid link to transfer slab forces.
  4. .

    Download Files  to see more details you can read/download here: load-path-on-rc-building-structures.pdf